Thursday, May 6, 2010

Explanation for Shaily's State of the Union May 6th, 2010

Explanation for Shaily's State of the Union
May 6th, 2010
Free Dress-Being able to wear WHAT YOU WANT. If you want no uniforms in your school, make that happen. Make it free dress! Change the school's mind! Comment if you would like to read my essay against uniforms. If you want to wear jeans, bodysuits, tank tops, then make it happen! Don;t give up! Hard work is worth it in the end.
Betsey Johnson-Bye-bye, Un Duex Trois! (Dress shop. Can be found in Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills.) I passed by a Betsey Johnson store today, and her dress are AH-MAZING! They are no where near exotic, as some people call that brand. So for YOUR next party, get a dress from Betsey Johnson! (By the way, I know that both these stores/brands are expensive, but its for YOUR party and it's important that you look nice and feel happy with your outfit. You enjoy the party more that way, trust me.)
Airplanes-We all love those ah-mazing creations that can fly us all over the world. Thank G-D we have them. But....have you heard the song Airplanes? (B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore.) It's really high on the charts. You might not like it, but try listening to it, it's a really fun song.
Uniforms-I just did an essay against them. I agree, SOME ARE CUTE. I personally love the uniforms with a blazer and short plaid skirt. Those are definitely IN, btw. BUT uniforms, such as my school's, have GOT TO GO. I'm kind of ashamed of our uniform....a long navy blue skirt and a plain white polo shirt. Not so pretty(:
Grocery Stores-Haha, inside joke. Of course grocery stores are in, we need them. Today, my class was at a museum and the tour guide said "......and they kill animals for sport......" so then, my very nice(: classmate said "why? we have grocery stores." and the lady goes "excuse me!?" LOL. so according to the tour stores r OUT, bahaha.
Machines-I love machines. They are awesome, and we need them. But listen to Machines by Mason Jennings. I'm sorry...I don't like that song. Sorry Mason! I guess you're still awesome.....

Shaily's State of the Union for May 6th, 2010

Shaily's State of the Union
May 6th, 2010

Free dress
Betsey Johnson
Grocery Stores

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Explanaition for Shaily's State of the Union May 5th, 2010

Explanaition for Shaily's State of the Union May 5th, 2010

Beautiful Messes: The song Beautiful Mess by Miranda Cosgrove is an ah-mazing and BEAUTIFUL(: song. It means so much to me. Go listen to it now.
Spilling Chloride On Yourself: That's what you call a not-so-beautiful mess, lol. I spilled some on my hand today in science...ssshhh don't tell (haha)....and it was really hard to get off.
Normal Hair: Pretty self-explanitory. Blow dry your hair after the shower, or your hair looks like fuzz...and that's not pretty. :P
Messy Bun On the TOP of Your Head: Buns are gorgeous! I love them. But NOT when they are at the VERY top of your head it's kind of...weird....if you know what I mean, lolll.
Adidas Boots: Very cute and comfy. Wear them to school with leggings. It works if you have a boring navy blue uniform skirt, like me, haha. But, boots will be out of season soon because of remember this for next year.
Slouch Boots: Occasionally, you find a cute pair. But the type I just saw....GOT TO GO! It shows your socks! What if your outfit is purple, and you're wearing slouch boots, and all your socks are in the wash and you only have pastel green socks? Ouch. But don't forget, SOME are cute.

Shaily's State of the Union for May 5th, 2010

May 5th, 2010.
Shaily's State of the Union

Beautiful Messes
Shiny and smooth hair
Adidas Boots
Spilling chloride on yourself
Messy buns on the top of your head
Slouch boots

Welcome to my blog!

Heyy peopleeeee!(:
My name is Shaily (shy lee) and I'm gonna make a blog! Everyday, I'm going to post MY State of the Union. For those of you who don't know what that is, I adapted it from The Clique, and ah-mazing series by Lisi Harrison. Everyday, I will post what I feel is IN and what's OUT. Sometimes, some of of you won't understand why I put something in and something out, I will post an entry right after each day's State of the Union explaining why something's in and why something's out. Please keep checking back every, let your friends now, and enjoy!